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Update : 2025-01-22 09:13:38

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Currency Purchase Sale
thai baht thb 0.1240 0.1330

Thai baht exchange rate

You are going on holiday and you need Thai currency. The MAX currency exchange office in Katowice invites you. 1 baht is divided into 100 satanags. There are banknotes in circulation with the following denominations: 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 baht.

The front of the 1000 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The front of the 1000 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The back of the 1000 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The back of the 1000 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The front of the 1000 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

The front of the 1000 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

The back of the 1000 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

The back of the 1000 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

Front of the 500 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

Front of the 500 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The back of the 500 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The back of the 500 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition

The front of the 500 baht banknote, 16th series, 2014 edition

The front of the 500 baht banknote, 16th series, 2014 edition

The back of the 500 baht banknote, 16th series, 2014 edition

The back of the 500 baht banknote, 16th series, 2014 edition

The front of the 100 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The front of the 100 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The back of the 100 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The back of the 100 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The front of the 100 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition.

The front of the 100 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition.

The back of the 100 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

The back of the 100 baht banknote, 16th series, 2015 edition

The front of the 50 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The front of the 50 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The back of the 50 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The back of the 50 baht banknote, 17th series, 2018 edition.

The front of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series

The front of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series

The back of the 20 baht banknote, 17 series - issue 2022

The back of the 20 baht banknote, 17 series - issue 2022

The front of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series - issue 2018

The front of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series - issue 2018

The back of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series - issue 2018

The back of the 20 baht banknote of the 17th series - issue 2018

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